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Streaming Video - Die Bhagavad Gita: Werte für das 21. Jahrhundert - Ein Video-Seminar mit Dr. Georg Feuerstein Ph.D. - German - Euros

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Streaming Video - Die Bhagavad Gita: Werte für das 21. Jahrhundert - Ein Video-Seminar mit Dr. Georg Feuerstein Ph.D. - German - Euros


Ein Video-Seminar mit Dr. Georg Feuerstein, Ph. D., aufgezeichnet am 30. Juni 2000 in dem Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton, Quebec (Kanada)., auf Englisch. Länge: 6 Stunden und 22 Minuten.

Die Bhagavad Gita oder der Heilige Gesang ist einer der weltweit wichtigsten heiligen Texte. Sie zelebriert die Beziehung zwischen dem Menschen und Gott, die intensive Freude göttlicher Liebe und die Verwirklichung des Selbst durch Yoga. In Form eines Dialogs am Vorabend einer Schlacht lehrt Krishna den angsterfüllten Arjuna, dass es notwendig ist, zu handeln und er – wie alle Menschen – seinen Platz in der Welt mit Liebe und Glauben einnehmen muss.

Dies ist eine seltene, knapp sechseinhalb Stunden lange Aufnahme von dem vielleicht größten westlichen Yogagelehrten der Neuzeit, dem verstorbenen Dr. Georg Feuerstein (1947-2012). Diejenigen, die seine mehr als 30 Bücher über das Thema Yoga mit Freude gelesen haben, werden sogar noch größeren Gefallen daran finden, jemandem zuzuhören und zuzusehen, dessen große Gelehrsamkeit in einzigartiger Weise von seiner eingehenden Erfahrung tieferer Dimensionen des Yoga geprägt war.

Video 1: The Historical Context and an Overview of its Message, 2 hours, 2 minutes:
The Gita’s relation to the epic Mahabharata; the Gita’s “integral” yoga including knowledge, action, meditation and love; the battlefield of life: “we are our own greatest obstacle in the path;” “no effort is ever wasted;” samkhya: pre-classical Yoga: a model to correct our perceptual error of reality; nature and awareness; “mind is a material thing;” illumination; karma: the consequences of action; svadharma: one’s own inner being; our true identity.

Video 2: The Obstacles and Means to Self-realization, 1 hour 31 minutes:
Includes the role of the buddhi, the intellect, the first veil over the Self; discernment; “renunciation is likely to be incomplete as a means to liberation;” “the subliminal activators, samskaras; detachment as the means; qualified non-dualism; sleep and awareness; Samadhi; the three modes of nature, the gunas; the principles of nature; the Supreme Being; chapters 1, 2, 3. The necessity of meditation to transcend karma, becoming aware of subliminal activators and releasing them.

Video 3: The Practice of Yoga, 1 hour 55 minutes:
Includes the illusion of egoism, “We are That,” the process of purification; the need for techniques to become aware of and to de-activate the samskaras; “sattvavication” allowing wisdom to guide us, allowing the light of awareness; better to live a conscious active life than to retire from the world; karmayoga; bhakti yoga; becoming the on-dual reality; chapter 3 continued; chapters 4: Dhyana Yoga, the path of meditation; “your worst enemy is your best friend;” letting go of conceptual baggage; chapter 5: unselfish work is superior to renunciation; being equal-minded towards everything; the Self is the only friend of the self; chapters 6-11; suffering; wisdom; four types of devotees; What is the Self? The need for practice to prepare for the moment of death; the significance of “AUM;” “faith is the Mother of Yoga;” faith that we can grow into our potential; don’t make beliefs exclusive; offering with love; using the higher mind to discern the Truth.

Video 4: The Universal Vision, the Qualities of a Yogi, Questions and Answers, 54 minutes:
Includes: Arjuna’s vision of Krishna’s Universal Form; bhakti Yoga; Brahma Nirvana or union with the lower aspect of the Divine; discern true wisdom; otherwise practice detachment repeatedly ; otherwise serve; otherwise renounce; different approaches are possible; the Yogi is ever content, self-controlled, equal minded; distinguishing the Self from the field of nature; transcending the three modes of nature, sattva, rajas, and tamas (balance, activity and inertia) by becoming aware of how their play; overcome attachment to knowledge, action and dullness. How to recognize one who has transcended them; the nature of the mind; the yoga of renunciation: renounce the fruit of your action, not your duties; chapters 11-18. Questions and answers.


  • there are some imperfections including problems with tracking in a few places, due to the fact that the seminar was recorded on tape in 2000, but not transferred to a digital disc until 2013.


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Complete seminar in 4 videos - Over 6 hours in length.

Video 1
2 hrs 2 mins
Video 2
1 hr 31 mins
Video 3
1 hr 54 mins
Video 4
54 mins
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